More 'bout

Just a little more...

In case the brief introduction on the homepage simply wasn’t enough, here are 5 more fast (and interesting-ish) facts:

1. I’ve moved 18 times in the last 16 years (that’s a lot of packing tape).

2. I lost a section of eyelashes to chickenpox as a 4 year old (yup, they never grew back).

3. I have a dog that was rescued from the Sacramento SPCA over 13 years ago (arguably the best ‘purchase‘ I’ve ever made).

4. I climbed a mountain and ran a marathon about a week apart in the summer of 2010 (neither were very successful, but I had an indescribable amount of fun).

5. I still consider myself an Olympic hopeful, preferably as a swimmer, but more realistically as a volunteer.

There are a few more details below, in case you wanted to know more, and all the ways that we can stay connected!

Stay connected...

Maybe you’re from California too, or somewhere across the globe. Maybe you like Christmas every day of the year, or your celebrations are traditional in nature (as in, only after Thanksgiving). Maybe you’re a fellow Aggie (go UC Davis), or you had to go to some other school. Maybe you’re a ‘give it to me in a cup’ kind of ice cream eater, or someone who has conquered the post-melt drip and can rock the cone lifestyle.  Maybe you work in an office, or are wandering the globe as a digital nomad. Whoever you are, and wherever you find yourself in this world, I hope that you will stay connected with me.

Please join me on any of the platforms below. Just click the button and follow along with the journey! Or head over to the contact page for other ways to connect! Looking forward to cruising with you soon…